Our Services

We get it. Navigating the medical complexities of personal injury cases can be overwhelming. You’re dealing with stacks of medical records, wondering if the right treatments are being recommended, and you’re under pressure to make sure your client gets the care they need—while still building the strongest case possible. At Sterling AI, we’re here to help. By combining the precision of AI with the deep expertise of qualified physicians and consultants , we bring you strategic, data-driven insights that ensure the best outcomes for both your clients and your cases.

We don’t just assist; we partner with you to ease the burden and streamline the process. Let us show you how.


1. Expert Treatment Recommendations

When your client’s future is at stake, you need more than just data—you need clear, actionable recommendations from experts who know the intricacies of medical treatment and how they align with legal strategy. At Sterling , we don’t just provide treatment recommendations; we offer strategically planned pathways crafted by experienced physicians and supported by AI. Our AI tracks the latest medical and scientific advances , ensuring that every recommendation is up-to-date and forward-thinking.

Custom Solutions: Tailored Strategies for Unique Needs and Goals

You need treatment recommendations that are tailored, not generic. Our experts provide personalized care based on the latest medical research and your case needs.

Up-to-Date and Comprehensive Data:

Our AI tracks the latest advances in medical science, ensuring that the recommendations we provide are cutting-edge and strategically sound.

Streamlined Case Management for Legal Teams

We streamline document handling, communication, and scheduling to support law firms effectively.


2. AI-Enhanced Medical Record Review Process

Medical records can be a labyrinth of data, and sifting through it all is time-consuming and frustrating. This is where our AI-powered review process comes in. While other firms may rely on AI to process records, we take it further—our AI not only analyzes the data but tracks new medical advances , highlighting treatments that are most relevant to the plaintiff’s current condition. And here’s the key difference: our human experts step in , refining the insights AI produces, ensuring nothing critical slips through the cracks.


Your case depends on accuracy. AI alone can’t catch everything, but our expert physicians ensure critical medical details are captured and relevant.

Human Insight:

AI is fast, but it takes a human expert to truly interpret the data and apply it to real-world cases. This symbiosis gives you the insights you need.


3. Custom-Tailored Treatment Plans

We know every client is different, and so is their recovery. That’s why at Sterling , we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Using AI, we evaluate the most up-to-date medical data to identify treatment paths that fit each plaintiff’s unique circumstances. Our physicians then customize the plan, ensuring it’s aligned with the latest in medical advancements and based on real-world experience .

Personalized Recovery:

Every client’s recovery path is different. Our plans are tailored to their medical history, current condition, and the latest medical advances.

Strategic Approach:

AI helps guide the path, but only our experienced team can ensure that the treatment is effective and supports the overall legal strategy.


4. Comprehensive Case Management

Managing the moving parts of a personal injury case can feel overwhelming. Records, treatment schedules, follow-ups—there’s no end to the paperwork and coordination. At Sterling , we make it easy. Our AI streamlines the process, organizing records, tracking treatments, and ensuring you always have the latest medical insights on hand. And while the AI handles the administrative load, our consultants and physicians oversee the critical decisions, ensuring every detail is accounted for.

Efficient Workflow:

AI handles the paperwork, but human oversight ensures the key details are managed and your case progresses smoothly.

Expert Guidance:

Our consultants provide the human touch, overseeing case management and guiding the legal team through complex medical issues.


5. Long-Term Medical Care Consultation

What happens after initial treatments? How do you plan for long-term care or rehabilitation? Our team at Sterling goes beyond the present. By using AI to track scientific advancements and the latest in medical treatment, we provide projections that account for long-term medical needs. Whether it’s rehabilitation or ongoing treatments, our physicians and consultants develop plans that help you prepare for what’s ahead, ensuring maximum case value and optimal client recovery .

Planning Ahead:

You need projections that are based on real-world data and scientific advancements. Our team ensures your client’s ongoing care is planned for.

Maximized Case Value:

Long-term care needs can be costly. With accurate, strategic insights, you can negotiate better settlements and secure future care for your clients.


6. Medical Summaries That Deliver

Medical summaries shouldn’t just be a restatement of facts—they need to be strategic tools that move your case forward. At Sterling , we use AI to compile comprehensive summaries , extracting key details from medical records and highlighting potential gaps or missing treatments. But here’s where it gets interesting—our physicians and consultants ensure that each summary doesn’t just inform ; it provides insights that make your case stronger.

Strategic Insights:

AI helps extract key information, but it’s our experts who provide context. Our summaries go beyond the basics, offering insights that support your case.

Efficient Case Building:

Our summaries make it easy to present the plaintiff’s medical history clearly, giving you the tools to strengthen your argument in court.


8. Demand Letters

Drafting demand letters that are both persuasive and strategically aligned with your case requires more than just a template—it demands expertise. At Sterling , our team of consultants and physicians works alongside AI to provide data-backed demand letters that accurately reflect the plaintiff’s medical condition, treatment history, and future care needs. We craft letters that are comprehensive , clear, and compelling, ensuring the best chance of securing favorable settlements.

Strategic Impact:

Demand letters are often the first step in serious negotiations. Our human experts ensure they are backed by both medical facts and strategic insight, which leads to stronger outcomes.


Our AI tracks medical advances and recovery projections , ensuring that the demand letter includes the most current and relevant details.

Tailored Approach:

Every case is different, and so is every demand letter we create. We ensure it reflects the unique needs of your client, helping you maximize settlement value.


9. Future Medical Cost Projections

Predicting future medical costs isn’t just about numbers—it’s about understanding how new treatments and therapies might impact your client’s care. At Sterling , our AI tracks emerging medical technologies and uses that data to project the real future costs of long-term care. But it doesn’t stop there—our experts assess the data, refining the projections to ensure they’re accurate and applicable to your client’s unique circumstances.

Accurate Projections:

We combine AI’s ability to track medical advancements with expert human insight to forecast future costs with precision.

Higher Settlements:

By anticipating future care needs, we give you the tools to negotiate better settlements, ensuring your client’s long-term care is covered.


10. Monitoring and Follow-Up

Recovery is a journey, and at Sterling, we make sure no part of that journey is left unattended. Our AI monitors treatment progress and tracks the latest advancements in recovery techniques. Our physicians then provide follow-up recommendations, ensuring the plaintiff’s care stays on course and their treatment is always up to date.

Continued Oversight:

AI tracks recovery progress, while our experts provide ongoing recommendations and adjustments to ensure treatments remain on track.

Proactive Care:

Your client’s health is a priority. With consistent follow-up, we make sure their recovery is always progressing smoothly and strategically.


Why Law Firms Choose
Sterling AI

At Sterling , we understand your challenges. From managing overwhelming amounts of data to ensuring your client receives the best care, we’re here to make the process easier. By using AI to track medical and scientific advances and combining that with the insight of qualified physicians and consultants , we offer solutions that are fast, reliable, and strategically sound. We help you navigate the complexities, so you can focus on what matters—building a winning case.

Symbiotic Expertise:

Our physicians, consultants, and AI work hand in hand to ensure every decision is backed by both data and experience.

Comprehensive Case Management:

We handle the medical complexities, so you can focus on your legal strategy.

Creative Use of AI:

Our AI doesn’t just automate—it tracks medical advancements , giving your case the most up-to-date treatment recommendations available.